Nová kniha NFPK od autorov Ondřeja Závodského a Tomáša Lemešaniho opisuje a hodnotí korupčné a oligarchické praktiky v porevolučnom Československu a následne v Českej republike.

Autori sa zaoberajú vplyvom Ruska a Číny na vývoj ekonomických subjektov v ČR; mocenskou štruktúrou medzi firmami Petra Kellnera, Andreja Babiša a ďalších oligarchov.

Knihu v anglickom jazyku si zdarma stihnete na tomto linku

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Čítajte aj: 

Na Slovensku vychádza kniha zavraždeného agenta Litvinenka. Popisuje okolnosti Putinovho nástupu k moci a ruské tajné služby

ŠTOKHOLM. Dusivá noc v tábore

Ukážka z knihy:

“ Any public official, be they the president, a member of parliament or a mayor somewhere out in the boondocks, is bound by certain rules. Their mandate is not an exercise of unlimited power. Anyone who is paid from public funds is bound by written regulations concerning their activities. First of all, there are general principles concerned with what they should be striving to achieve in their job – to develop their municipality or to make the state mechanism more efficient, for instance.

In Chapter 2, concerned with Czech history, I outlined some of the corruption mechanisms that distort the missions of public officials. However, since then we have shifted to times when public officials no longer only betray the clear rules for discharging their offices. We live at a time when politicians no longer obtain material assets – they do not receive chocolate, cash, anonymous shares or other consumable or tradable assets.

We are living in times of oligarchs, who need public officers to play from the scores of non-democratic powers, and these oligarchs receive their profits in the form of concessions in these non-democratic countries, or other benefits in developing their businesses in these countries. The politicians kept by oligarchs have but a single task: to break the existing democratic system by disinformation, questioning the authorities and supporting the interests of the non-democratic superpowers and the oligarchs themselves. ”


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