Hungary Amongst Top European Destinations in 2015
Some 20% more tourists visited Hungary last year
Last year Hungary has recorded the largest annual increase in the number of foreign visitors, according to a report of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) with a roughly 20% increase from 2014.
In the period between January and September, the rise in the number of foreign visitors was 5.1% in Europe as a whole and 6.6% in Central and Eastern European countries according to the World Tourism Barometer. In comparison, Hungary had 19% more visitors in the period than in the previous year, ranking the country on the top spot on the UNWTO’s top 50 list. Slovakia finished second with 13.3%, and Ireland was third with 12.8% growth.
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The country recorded 11 million visits of at least two days from foreign tourists in January-September last year. The tourists spent 95.6 billion forints (EUR 302.8m) in this period, 15.2% more than in the same period in 2014. The tourism sector is one of Hungary’s engines of economic growth, accounting for roughly one-tenth of the gross national output.
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