Hungary Wants “Peace and Calm”
Viktor Orban stated that Hungary's goal not to have chaos
New police members were inaugurated in front of the prime minister, Vikotr Orban. He sent the young force to a difficult journey, where they “have to save Hungary, Europe, the European culture, life and sovereignty”.
“You will face deluded people, anger and aggression. Answer them as your parents and teachers taught you. Below your uniform, there must be a heart, and you will need them both”, say the prime minister declaring that the new police members have to protect Hungary's, and the EU's, borders but still have to do it with humanity.
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Mr Orban stated that Hungary's only goal is to “live in peace and calm and not have chaos”. To do so the country needs its new police members who “will face the biggest challenge since the third Balkan war” as in the last month over 160000 illegal migrants flowed into Hungary. This amount is the same as the population of Szeged, one of the biggest city's of Hungary.
Photos: CC/flickr
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